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kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15871 suid: 1 kernel rt__dpoll: correcting a failed aio_return with 0 for 0 bytes

kernel Cannot send, host process disconnected: Linux 15871 suid: 1 kernel rt__dpoll: correcting a failed aio_return with 0 for 0 bytes


    ChromeDriver v2.24 for windows linux and mac (2016-09-09)

    Resolved issue 1484: SendKeys of a Tab Key has no effect in Chrome 53 [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1431: GetLog command does not work for Chrome 54+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1411: ...


    o Added 'Use DNS Cache For Host Names' option. When it's turned on, CurrPorts uses the DNS cache of Windows to resolve remote IP addresses. * Version 1.94: o Added 'Custom' AutoRefresh option ...



    ChromeDriver v2.20 for windows linux and mac

    其他版本的chromedriver如果找到,可以邮件我(nameamtf@qq.com),切记邮件主题必须...Resolved issue 1194: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from disconnected: received Inspector.detached event [[]]

    ChromeDriver v2.23 for windows linux and mac (2016-08-04)

    Resolved issue 1387: ChromeDriver hangs when calling driver.get() for same-process navigations [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1365: Touch emulation is not working under mobile emulation in ...


    Improved change detection for files that disappear and reappear, as happens with disconnected network drives Windows: Added workaround for broken std::condition_variable in MSVC 2012, fixing a crash ...

    HID 设备类读写

    This function will return the number of interfaces connected with a //! specified VID, PID and serial number, if no devices are connected, //! it will return a 0 //! //! \param vid Vendor-Id of the ...

    LCTF软件备份VariSpec™ Liquid Crystal Tunable Filters

    Ideally, one should check VsIsReady() using a timer or the like to wait efficiently, so that the host PC is free to do other tasks while waiting for the VariSpec. The VariSpec always processes each ...


    • good in the sense that users can enable a setting such as Local Text Echo for just their client if they are a fast typist and the latency of the session cannot keep up; and bad when a user can ...

    MiTeC System Information Component Suite 11.3.0 For D7 破解

    + MSI: all-features-presenting application with professional design and look for system information and evaluation + WMI Explorer: WMI object explorer with WQL query tool + ROM BIOS Explorer: tool ...


    Xamarin for VS 3 1 228 使用 Android SDK Tools 23 0 2">终于可以发100M+的文档了 Xamarin for VS中 如果你的Xamarin版本比较低 则需要同样低版本的SDK tools与之相配 否则看不到layout图 我贡献一批吧 都是自己...

    openshift4-disconnected:断开安装OCP 4的工具

    OpenShift 4断开连接 目录 目的 该存储库包含用于在空气间隙环境中部署OpenShift 4集群的脚本,ansible角色和其他工具。 该存储库已经过测试,可以用于OpenShift 4.3、4.4和4.5的安装。 Internet连接环境中的帮助...

    delphi socket call php socket 例子

    if ( socket_select ( $read , $write = NULL , $except = NULL , 0 ) < 1 ) continue; // check if there is a client trying to connect if ( in_array ( $sock , $read )) { // accept the client, and ...




     /* the private key for the client-side cert if provided */  getPrivateKey: function(connection, cert) {  return myClientPrivateKey;  },  tlsDataReady: function(connection) { ...

    CSharp 3.0 With the .NET Framework 3.5 Unleashed(english)

    Working with Disconnected Data 482 LINQ to DataSet 487 Summary 488 21 Manipulating XML Data 490 Streaming XML Data 491 Writing XML 491 Reading XML 494 Working with the XML DOM 495 ...


    断线当客户端断开连接(关闭浏览器等)时,使用自定义数据运行指定的回调。 它无需身份验证即可工作,您可以传递Meteor.... onDisconnect = function ( data ) {// do something with dataconsole . log ( data ) ;} ;

    esp-idf 中查询 Wi-Fi 连接失败的原因

    ESP_LOGI(TAG,reason: fail %d\n, event->event_info.disconnected.reason); 例如: case SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED: { if (s_retry_num event_info.disconnected.reason); break; } 然后编译,烧录,...



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